If you're looking for a healthier alternative to table salt, you should consider adding nutrients in pink Himalayan rock salt to your diet. Rich in magnesium, potassium, trace minerals, and other nutrients, this salt is ideal for seasoning foods and cooking in as well. Here are some of the health benefits of using kosher salt in your kitchen.

High blood pressure is a condition that affects millions each year. It's known to be one of the leading causes of heart attacks and strokes. When you increase your blood pressure, you also increase your risk of developing a stroke, too. The good news about potassium is that it doesn't build up in your tissues and easily gets absorbed into your body, which reduces your blood pressure quickly.

Another of the nutrients in pink Himalayan rock salt's many benefits is iodine. Iodine is a mineral that the body needs to produce thyroid hormones. High blood pressure can make your thyroid gland over-producing and cause hyperthyroidism. High blood pressure can also affect your pituitary gland, which produces your hormones. If you've been diagnosed with either of these conditions, increasing your iodine intake through taking nutrients in pink Himalayan is a great way to improve your health.

Potassium, one of the most important nutrients in Himalayan salt, is known to lower cholesterol levels. Many of our arteries are made of salt, and the salt contained in our bodies includes sodium. While we don't always need to salt as much as we think, taking too much salt can raise our blood pressure and increase the risks of heart attack and stroke. The trace minerals found in this salt contain potassium, an essential mineral that increases the heart rate and relaxes muscles, resulting in a lowering of blood pressure and a lowering of cholesterol levels.

Calcium, another of the nutrients in pink Himalayan rock salt, helps strengthen bones. Calcium is one of the minerals responsible for strong teeth and bones. Too much calcium in the diet can lead to osteoporosis, which is why many of us take supplements to get more calcium. This mineral is also found in many of our bones, including our spinal column.

Magnesium is yet another nutrient in the salt. High blood pressure, kidney stones, and high levels of sodium combine to make a magnesium deficiency. Excess magnesium from your diet can result in the build-up of fluids in your body, which can contribute to bloating, indigestion, headaches, fatigue, weakness, and irritability. To counter the effects of magnesium deficiency, it's important to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and take magnesium-rich supplements.

Sodium is often removed from packaged foods, such as pizza sauce and soup mixes. This makes sodium intake from packaged foods quite high, especially if you're a vegetarian or vegan. If you add salt to your food, take a moment to taste it, and note what it really tastes like before you add it to your next meal. Incorporate the flavors of your favorite foods into your meal plan to avoid sodium overdose.

As you can see, there are many nutrients in Pink Himalayan salt that will benefit your health, even if you're not a vegetarian. These trace minerals help maintain the overall health of your body and prevent you from becoming deficient in any of them. They provide a healthy balance of essential minerals and vitamins. Potassium and magnesium, two of the nutrients in pink salt, are both great sources of potassium, helping to keep your heart healthy. The trace minerals iron and calcium can improve bone strength and can lower your risk for bone cancer.