Nespresso is the abbreviation for "Nestle Espresso" is among the first machines to make use of coffee pods. Many people do not think of them as coffee pods because Nestle did not refer to them that and instead called them capsules. They are, however, a form of single-serve coffee, a single cup is pretty much similar to coffee pods.

Making pod coffee and candy bars brewers sounds like a bizarre business strategy and that's why Nestle isn't doing this. The initial Nespresso machines had a well-known brand name and the Nespresso brand name. Since 2000, Nespresso machines have been done without any brand names other than Nespresso. You can also buy high-quality Nespresso pods online.

Most of the time they all were manufactured by Eugster/Frismag which is a company that makes only coffee makers that are used and for labels for other companies. Comparatively to T-Discs K-Cups and regular coffee pods, Nespresso's coffee pods can not be sold at any supermarket. To purchase the pods, you'll need to visit the Nespresso website or the Nespresso Boutique. 

The machine for pod coffee works in a different way than regular pod coffee makers. When the capsule is inserted, it is punctured and is filled by hot water. When pressure increases in the water the capsule's holes begin to open in the weaker areas of the aluminum and the coffee that has been brewed is released. The aluminum capsule that has been empty is typically kept in a waste container inside the machine, to be removed later.