When it comes to maintaining your air conditioning unit, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind. Ensuring proper operation of your AC can help avoid costly repairs or replacement down the road, and can also help improve the overall comfort of your home. Here are a few of the benefits of regular AC maintenance: 

1) Improved Performance: Properly maintained air conditioners run more efficiently and typically use less energy, which can save you money on your bill. In addition, malfunctioning or worn out parts can cause your AC to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills and even longer wait times for cooling relief. If you need more information about air conditioning maintenance you may visit https://www.carltonheatingandair.com/.

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2) Increased Comfort: Air conditioning units work by moving air around, which means they can reduce the temperature in a room by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. If your AC is not running at its full potential because of worn or damaged parts, it may not be able to cool as effectively as it could. 

This can lead to discomfort in warm weather months (especially during peak hours), and reduced indoor air quality when the unit is turned off due to low airflow.

3) Reduced Repair Costs: A properly maintained air conditioner will typically last longer without any major repairs or replacements – saving you both time and money in the long run. Additionally, if something does go wrong with your unit, it will be easier to fix since it won't have accumulated damage over time.