Car rekey is a process wherein the keys to your car are changed. This can be done to prevent unauthorized access to your vehicle or to replace lost or stolen keys. The process involves changing the internal mechanisms of the lock so that it is no longer compatible with the original keys. 

There are several benefits to car rekey. First, it provides an extra layer of security for your vehicle. Changing the internal mechanisms of the lock makes it much more difficult for someone to gain unauthorized access to your car. Additionally, car rekey can help to protect you from the financial burden of replacing lost or stolen keys. 

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Another benefit of car rekey is that it can be done quickly and easily. A locksmith can usually rekey a car in just a few minutes, so you don't have to worry about waiting for a long time to have the process completed. 

Lastly, car rekey can be a cost-effective way to protect your vehicle. While it is not free, the cost of rekeying a car is generally much less than the cost of replacing lost or stolen keys. 

Car rekey is a smart way to protect your vehicle. It provides an extra layer of security, can help to protect you from the financial burden of replacing lost or stolen keys, can be done quickly and easily, and is a cost-effective solution.