Touchless water dispensers are becoming more popular, not only because they're more convenient, but because they've got a host of other benefits as well. Here are just some of the many reasons to invest in a water cooler: 

1. Reduced energy consumption: A touchless water dispenser uses less energy than traditional models, which can be helpful if you're worried about your carbon footprint. You can go through to know more about touchless water coolers.

2. Reduced waste: Touchless water dispensers don't require paper filters, so you're less likely to generate waste in the first place. Plus, if you do have to replace a filter, it's much easier with a touchless model.

3. Increased safety: With no need for hands-on intervention, a touchless water dispenser is much safer than traditional models – even for small children. And since there's no potential for spills or accidents, it's an ideal option for areas where safety is a top priority (such as hospitals).

4. Convenience: Touchless water dispensers are incredibly convenient – even more so than automatic ones – because you don't have to fumble around for your cup or bottle when you want a drink. Simply press the button and wait for the drink to dispense!