Solar blanket reels are an essential accessory for any pool owner looking to make the most of their swimming pool experience. These handy devices make it easy to cover and uncover your pool with a solar blanket, helping to maintain water temperature, reduce evaporation, and keep your pool clean. If you're tired of struggling with a heavy, cumbersome blanket every time you want to use your pool, it's time to invest in a solar blanket reel. In this ultimate guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about solar blanket reels, including how they work, the different types available, and tips for choosing the right one for your pool.

How Do Solar Blanket Reels Work?

Solar blanket reels work by allowing you to roll up your solar blanket when it's not in use, keeping it neatly stored and out of the way. When you're ready to swim, simply unroll the blanket using the reel, and when you're done, roll it back up for easy storage. This eliminates the need to manually handle and store a bulky blanket, making it much more convenient to use your pool whenever you like.

Types of Solar Blanket Reels

  • Manual Reels: These reels require you to turn a hand crank to roll up the blanket. They are more affordable but require more effort to operate.
  • Automatic Reels: These reels use a motorized system to roll up the blanket with the push of a button. They are more convenient but come at a higher price point.
  • Portable Reels: These reels can be easily moved around the pool deck and are ideal for pools where a permanent reel installation is not possible.
  • In-ground Reels: These reels are installed directly into the pool deck or nearby ground, providing a permanent and secure storage solution for your solar blanket.

Benefits of Using a Solar Blanket Reel

Investing in a solar blanket reel can offer a range of benefits for pool owners, including:

  • Convenience: Easily cover and uncover your pool with minimal effort.
  • Extended Lifespan: Properly storing your solar blanket can help prolong its lifespan.
  • Energy Savings: Using a solar blanket to cover your pool can help retain heat and reduce heating costs.
  • Cleaner Pool: Keeping your pool covered when not in use can help prevent debris from entering the water.

Choosing the Right Solar Blanket Reel

When selecting a solar blanket reel for your pool, consider the following factors:

  • Pool Size: Choose a reel that is suitable for the size and shape of your pool.
  • Installation: Decide if you prefer a permanent in-ground reel or a portable option.
  • Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend on a solar blanket reel.
  • Features: Consider additional features such as a motorized system, locking mechanisms, and durability.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Once you've chosen the right solar blanket reel for your pool, follow these tips for installation and maintenance:

  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when installing the reel.
  • Regularly clean and inspect the reel for any dirt or debris that may affect its operation.
  • Ensure the reel is securely fastened to the pool deck or ground to prevent accidents.
  • Properly store the solar blanket when not in use to prevent damage and prolong its lifespan.


Say goodbye to the hassle of manually handling a heavy solar blanket every time you want to use your pool. With a solar blanket reel, you can enjoy the convenience of covering and uncovering your pool with ease, while also reaping the benefits of energy savings and a cleaner pool. Invest in a solar blanket reel today and make the most of your swimming pool experience!