Pink Himalayan salt is the saltiest salt you can buy. It's also one of the most expensive. It's used by people all over the world, from tiny village farmers to city slickers. This is because Himalayan pink salt has been considered a "super salt" for many years. It contains abnormally high levels of dissolved solids and traces elements even heavy metals which are extremely rare in salt forms anywhere else.

Himalayan pink salt comes from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. The salt is mined from wells deep inside the mountains where the water is crystal clear and abundant. The salt is made into beautiful crystal salt rocks that are beautifully designed in many different colors. Most Pink Himalayan salt lamps and salt dishes have various shades of pink. The salt is often placed in a glass lampshade that will soak up the color and illuminate your kitchen and bath. Other uses include the design of floor tiles and the making of bath salts, candies, and home decorations.

Himalayan pink salt consists of numerous minerals such as potassium, magnesium, bromide, calcium, manganese, zinc, iron, and selenium. These minerals add rich color and flavor to foods when added to the cooking process or eaten straight out of the bowl. Salt is one of the most important natural mineral sources for the health of your immune system and the proper functioning of your cardiovascular system. The minerals found in salt help to lower your blood pressure, control cholesterol levels, lower your risk of developing cancer and improve your eyesight. There are two kinds of minerals in salt are sodium and potassium.

Sodium is the most abundant mineral in salt and is vital to the body's function. It helps to retain water in the body and is necessary for the effective movement of nerve and muscle cells. Because so many people are concerned about their sodium intake, Pink Himalayan salt was created to address these health benefits. While the mineral content may sound good, many people do not believe the salt's ability to help them live longer and stay healthy. If you do decide to try this type of salt, make sure to read about the many health benefits and choose a brand that is pure.

A higher sodium level in the blood can cause high blood pressure. For this reason, it is imperative to keep blood pressure at a safe level. Regular salt consumption can lead to hypertension and can be a risk factor for many serious health problems. Himalayan salt contains trace amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Calcium and potassium are important electrolytes that are necessary to prevent dehydration and promote strong bones and muscles.

High blood pressure can also be caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. Calcium and potassium, two of the other trace minerals found in the mineral, help the body retain an ample amount of magnesium, making the mineral less likely to be lost due to salt intake. Pink Himalayan salt has a moderate amount of sodium and does not add to the amount of calcium and magnesium that a person ingests. This benefit allows the salt to be consumed on a regular basis without the worry about a sodium overdose. If you feel that you need more calcium and magnesium, purchase multi-glorified salt or pick up some fortified foods.

The mineral content of this salt does not contain any of the dangerous chemicals often found in regular table salt. Many of the health effects associated with excessive sodium can be eliminated or reduced with this salt. There are few other naturally-occurring minerals that have as many positive health effects.

This Himalayan pink salt contains no additives, dyes, or preservatives. It is a product that can be purchased at your local nutrition store and comes in small quantities for use in cooking. Excessive amounts of these minerals can cause serious problems for those with high blood pressure. Although it may be more expensive than regular table salt, it is far more beneficial to consumers, providing a number of health benefits as well. For this reason, it is recommended that consumers only consume small quantities of the mineral on a daily basis to reap the health benefits.