One of the major challenges facing outdoor security cameras is the various levels of light and visibility. There are numerous solutions to the problem of visibility, like night vision and infrared upgrade options to your camera. Outdoor security lights aren't fancy or new, however, you can make use of these basic devices to offer an inexpensive way to secure your home at night. Many of you are familiar with security light motion sensors. 

Another eco-sustainable idea that using a Google nest cam (battery) solar panel for security. It charges quickly in a few hours of sunlight. The typical solar panel will be placed on the upper part of the lighting to charge battery power throughout the day, allowing it the ability to run all night, without costing you anything.

Google nest cam solar panel 

It is advisable for the camera's connection to a second power source just in case it isn't able to fully charge. You do not want to miss that crucial moment because of an uncharged battery.

The greatest benefit of security lighting is that they let you configure the security cameras to become completely controlled through motion detectors. If you purchase higher-range motion sensors that can detect movement that is up to 30 meters away, you can set up an outdoor camera to record whenever movement is recognized. This could make your security system extremely cost-effective.