Prevention is the First Step in Marble Preservation

Laying the groundwork for preserving the appeal, lustre, sparkle, sheen, shine and durability of your marble surface starts with preventing the compromise of all of those desirable marble qualities. 

Through proper care and maintenance, the marble surface is less likely to need restorative measures and will ultimately extend the life of the flooring. 

Do it Right the First Time and Every Time Thereafter

Proper care and maintenance of something like marble can seem like an easy task to the everyday homemaker, but understanding the qualities of marble is not general knowledge. Marble qualities impact how it reacts to cleaning chemicals and other household products. 

A professional marble polisher, maintenance and restoration service will have the knowledge and tools needed to make this a simple, efficient job which will also result in increasing the longevity of your marble surface. 

Photo of marble flooring

Convenience – Because Time is Money

In addition to increasing the life span of your marble, professional marble services can also save you time, and therefore money. Not only will you not have to spend time on your hands and knees scrubbing floors (not that you should do this on marbled surfaces in the first place) but professional cleaning services will also increase the time between cleans or maintenance needed on the marble. So if your time is not worth a lot of money, then products and repeated cleaning services are – especially if you have to have them more frequently. 

Speaking of products, professional cleaning services also know which products and equipment to use, where, and when in order to get the best results and with the least amount of effort. Again, this will result in increasing the longevity of your marbled product. 

Can it Get Any Better Than This?

Of course, it can get better. When you get professional marble services in to maintain marble, they also do the waxing, so there is no massive task list involved in completing one cleaning project. 

In addition to the “little extras” that a professional marble maintenance service can perform, there is one thing they can offer that a Do-It-Yourself job cannot. A guarantee. 

Some services will seal their work afterwards. Most sealants last around 3 years. Some companies claim that their sealant has a 15-year guarantee. Imagine the savings with 15 years of guarantee before needing to have any restorative services performed on your marbled surface!

Although doing a job oneself can save a lot of money in the initial outlay phase, it can sometimes be very beneficial to outsource a task or service to a trained professional. After service guarantees in addition to time saved are among the biggest factors in outsourcing a job like marble maintenance. Much frustration can be avoided by either ensuring the correct knowledge, products and tools are used by the DIYer the first time around, or just getting an expert to do the job.