If you've ever struggled while doing your chemistry homework on your own, you're not alone. Chemistry is a subject that few people understand and even fewer enjoy studying in school.

As if to make matters more difficult for students, chemistry textbooks tend to be written in a style that only a chemist could love or make sense of, and chemistry tutors tend to be harder to find than some other types of tutors. You can also take the best online IP chemistry tuition in Singapore from Twig Learning Center.

 What's a diligent but baffled student who needs help with homework to do if no help is available? Following these four steps can help you to make sense of most types of chemistry problems.

1. Identify the key concepts involved in the problem.

Maximum chapters in chemistry textbooks cover certain key concepts, and the homework issues associated with each chapter include the most often. Your book may even include a list of key concepts at the beginning or end of the chapter to make this section easier. For example, the problem may relate to individual transformations, molecular weight, acidity, chemical equations, etc. Narrowing down the main concepts of the problem can help you focus on the right place when looking for a solution.

2. Identify the problem by type.

The way basic chemistry is taught in most schools is like a bag of tricks. The way typical textbooks are laid out is with a set of unique types of problems for each section or chapter, accompanied by a set of unique tricks to solve them.