The buzz word in marketing is search engine optimization (or SEO). To be objective, I have to say that I believe in search engine optimization. This includes all three campaigns mentioned above for online marketing. 

Traditional search engine optimization and social media are my preferred options over pay per click (cost-per-click) advertising. I'll explain why in a moment. Let's get started. You can search for more digital marketing ideas via

Pay per click – These are advertisements you will see at the top of your Google search results or on your screen right side. Many of you are experts in internet marketing so I will explain this to those who don't know. Advertisers pay for PPC and CPC advertising.

You can achieve very high page rankings with PPC and CPC advertising (as long as you bid high) in very little time. It is very easy and efficient to get high traffic to your website.

Search Engine Optimization– Search engine optimization is a term that many of you may have heard (who hasn’t?). If you haven't heard the term, it means that your site is optimized to rank higher in search results. 

This includes optimizing keywords within your site and using meta tags to build links to your site from credible and relevant sites. According to some studies, between 14% and 30% of traffic is going to PPC/CPC results. This would indicate that 70% of searchers are going organically.